Dr. Dylan C. Beck




Cool Links

Teaching Documents:

Dylan C. Beck's Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness and Course Qualifications

Dylan C. Beck's Statement of Contributions to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Dylan C. Beck's Statement of Teaching Philosophy


Current Teaching Assignments:

Dylan C. Beck's Fall 2024 Schedule at a Glance

MA 135 (Quantitative Literacy: Math in the Real World)

MA 345 (Calculus III: Multivariable)

MA 463 (Abstract Algebra)


Past Teaching Assignments:

MA090 (Intermediate Algebra); Baker University

MA145 (College Algebra); Baker University

MA146 (Trigonometry); Baker University

MA172 (Calculus II); Baker University

MA221 (Statistics I) (Section A); Baker University

MA221 (Statistics I) (Section B); Baker University

MA281 (Introduction to Linear Algebra) (Fall 2022); Baker University

MA281 (Introduction to Linear Algebra) (Fall 2023); Baker University

MA291 (Introduction to Higher Mathematics) (Spring 2023); Baker University

MA291 (Introduction to Higher Mathematics) (Spring 2024); Baker University

MA345 (Problem Seminar in Mathematics); Baker University

MA372 (Differential Equations); Baker University

MA383 (Introduction to Modern Algebra); Baker University

MA445 (Senior Seminar in Mathematics); Baker University

MA491 (Introduction to Real Analysis); Baker University

MATH 002 (Intermediate Algebra); University of Kansas

MATH 101 (College Algebra); University of Kansas

MATH 104 (Precalculus); University of Kansas

MATH 105 (Introduction to Topics in Mathematics); University of Kansas

MATH 115 (Applied Calculus I); University of Kansas

MATH 125 (Calculus I); University of Kansas

MATH 126 (Calculus II); University of Kansas

MATH 127 (Calculus III); University of Kansas


Other Teaching Experiences:

KU Graduate Student Algebra Seminar

KU Algebra Qualifying Exam Study Group

Numerical Semigroup Mini-Course


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