MA 135 Quantitative Literacy: Math in the Real World

Whoops! A schematic of a parabola should be here!


Class Hours (Section 1): TF, 9:25 to 10:40 AM; Miege 105

Class Hours (Section 2): TF, 2:00 to 3:15 PM; Miege 305

Email: [First name].[Last name] (Capitalization is used for clarity.)

Instructor: Dr. Dylan C. Beck, Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Office: Miege 102A

Office Hours: MR, 9:00 to 11:30 AM; or by appointment


Course Links:

MA 135 Course Calendar (Section 1)

MA 135 Course Calendar (Section 2)

MA 135 Course Outline

MA 135 Syllabus (Section 1)

MA 135 Syllabus (Section 2)


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